Matrices and Determinants
      Basic matrix operations
         Matrix addition and subtraction
         Scalar multiplication of a matrix
         Matrix multiplication
         The matrix-vector product
      The determinant of a matrix
Basic matrix operations
Matrix addition and subtraction
Matrices can be added or subtracted only if they have the same dimensions.
The elements of the sum of the two matrices with the same dimensions, A and B, are equal to the sums of the corresponding elements aij + bij that is,
A + B = [aij + bij].
The elements of the difference of the two matrices with the same dimensions, A and B, are equal to the differences of the corresponding elements aij - bij that is,
A - B = [aij - bij].
Example:  Given are matrices, A and B, find the sum A + B and the difference A - B.
Scalar multiplication of a matrix
Multiplication of a matrix A by a scalar c is defined as
c · A = [c · aij],
that is, each element of the matrix is multiplied by c. Therefore, if c = 0, the result is the null matrix.
Example:  Given the matrix   find the product  - 2 · A.  
Matrix multiplication
Multiplication of two matrices is defined only if the number of columns of the first matrix equals the number of rows of the second. Matrices that satisfy this condition are said to be conformable.
If A = [aij] is a matrix of order m ´ n and B = [bjk] is a matrix of order n ´ p, then the product
C = AB
where C = [cik] is the m ´ p matrix of which the ikth entries are defined by the formula
Therefore, the ikth entry of the product equals the inner product of the components of the ith row of the first matrix with the components of the kth column of the second matrix.
Example:  Given are conformable matrices, A and B, find the product AB.
The matrix-vector product
If A = [aij] is an m ´ n matrix, x = {xj} a column vector of order n, and y = {yi} a column vector of order m
then,             y = Ax     is the matrix-vector product,
The column dimension of the matrix A must equal the row dimension of the vector x to obey the product definition.
Example:  Given is the matrix A of order 2 ´ 3 and the column vector x of order 3, find the product Ax.
If A is a square matrix of order n then, 
AI = IA = A 
where I is the identity matrix of order n.
The determinant of a matrix
Determinants are defined only for square matrices.
The determinant D of an n ´ n matrix A, also denoted det(A) or | A | is an ordered square array of elements
the value of which is given by an alternating sum of products of the elements of A, that can be obtained by using the method of expanding the determinant to cofactors.
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